Frequently Asked Questions
What to Wear:

For dance classes or Practica: Wear something comfortable. No need to dress up, pants or skirt or dress are equally OK. If you wear a skirt or dress choose something that allows you to take a large step and doesn't go all the way to the floor where a hem might get caught in your shoes. Some people wear yoga pants or even nice jeans. Open toe shoes are not recommended for new dancers. For men, slacks or nice jeans and shirt. Shoes should have felt or leather soles to allow for pivoting. They should also have laces or straps to keep them securely on your feet.
For Milongas: Most ladies dress up for Milongas (social dances) nice dresses and shoes that allow you to pivot are always appropriate. Men wear nice shirts and slacks. Some wear a sports coat or suit.
What is Tango?
Tango is a partner dance that originated in the 1880s in the working-class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is characterized by an open or closed embrace, slow walking steps, and a range of elegant, improvisational movements and pauses that are danced in close physical connection with a partner.
What are the basic tango steps?
Some of the basic tango steps include the walk, the ocho cortado, the molinete, the back and forward ochos, the tango cruzado, and the sacada. These basic steps are then combined and elaborated on to create the fluid, improvisational tango dance.
What is the tango embrace?
The tango embrace can be either open or closed. It is always an upright, and connected position with both partners leaning slightly towards each other or physically connecting at the chest while each maintains their own balance. The lead's right hand is placed on the follower's shoulder blade or the center of her back, while the follower's left hand is placed on or over the lead's shoulder. The other hands are joined at about shoulder height. The embrace moves and breathes as the music changes.
How do you learn to dance tango?
To learn tango, it's recommended to take group classes or private lessons from experienced tango instructors. Beginners start by learning the basic steps and the principles of tango technique and communication between partners. Over time, dancers develop their own style and repertoire of tango movements.
What is the difference between Argentine tango and Ballroom tango?
Argentine tango and ballroom (also called American or Show) tango have some key differences. Argentine tango emphasizes improvisation, an intimate embrace, and complex footwork, while ballroom tango has a more structured, choreographed style with an upright, open embrace. Argentine tango also has a distinct musical and rhythmic quality.
What music is used for tango dancing?
Traditional tango music features the bandoneon (a type of concertina), violin, piano, and double bass. Characteristic tango music can be slow and romantic or have a lively, rhythmic feeling. Other Latin styles like milonga and vals are also used for tango dancing. Traditional tango music is preferred but some dancers prefer nuevo tango which blends modern music with traditional.